“And I mean to be one too”: Drawing Strength and Inspiration from our Ancestors in the Faith
At the beginning of November, the Church celebrates two important feasts: All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day. In these celebrations, we acknowledge the example and the continued presence of those who have gone before us. On Wednesday nights in October and November, we will take some time to meditate on the lives of several saints of both global and local significance, and consider how their example might inform our lives of faith today.
Unless otherwise noted, sessions will take place at 6:30 after Wednesday night suppers in Gerhart Hall.
Wednesday, October 6
St. Francis at the Zoo
Join us at the Abilene Zoo at 6:00 as we pray for the animals of the zoo, honor the example of Saint Francis, and consider the ways we are connected to the natural world and to one another.
Wednesday, October 13
“Who are these like stars appearing?”
While we often make reference to the saints, the Church has not always been clear about the concept of sainthood. Join David Romanik as he unpacks some history of how the Church has understood the saints, and reflects on what they mean for us today.
Wednesday, October 20
Jonathan Myrick Daniels
Jonathan Daniels was an Episcopal seminarian who was martyred during the struggle for racial justice in 1965. Join Corrie Cabes as she shares the story of this remarkable man and considers how his story continues to resonate today.
Wednesday, October 27
Teresa of Avila
Teresa of Avila transformed the Church of the sixteenth century with her profound sense of the nearness of God. Join Amanda Watson as she explores the life of this woman who revealed how prayer can change the world around us.
Wednesday, November 3
Dia de los Muertos Potluck
Celebrated at the beginning of November, Dia de los Muertos is a celebration to remember our loved ones who have died. You are invited to bring a dish to share that was a recipe or a favorite of a departed loved one. You may also bring a photo of departed loved ones to place on an ofrenda in Gerhart Hall. We will also take some time to tell stories about those whom we are honoring. The potluck will begin at 6:00.
Wednesday, November 10
John Chrysostom
Almost every service of Morning Prayer includes “A Prayer of St. Chrysostom”, and yet few of us truly appreciate the impact of this giant of the early Church. Join Karen Boyd as she considers the life of this man who preached God’s word with grace and power, and who continues to inspire the faithful.
Wednesday, November 17
Willis P. Gerhart
Stories of Parson Gerhart have inspired and edified the people of Heavenly Rest for generations. Join Abilene historian and storyteller Jay Moore as he remembers this diminutive man who transformed this community, and whose example continues to challenge us today.