In the twelfth chapter of John’s gospel, some Greeks approach Philip and say, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus”. Embedded in this request is a deep human longing: the desire to see and know that there is meaning in this life, and that God is at work in the life of the world.
In the January Lay Reader, Mother Corrie invited us to the practice of visio divina, which she defined as “encountering an image, painting, sculpture, or other artwork with intention”. One could also define visio divina as an embodiment of the “wish to see” exhibited by the Greeks who approached Philip. As she explained this spiritual practice, Mother Corrie introduced us to the work of Brian Dewayne, an artist with a degree from Abilene Christian University. Dewayne created a Bible story book set to poetic rhyme with stunning watercolor religious images. Dewayne’s book of poems features historically accurate depictions of Bible characters, using colors, designs, and patterns true to the Afro-Asian culture and geographical location in which these stories take place.
During the season of Lent, we will explore the work of Brian Dewayne and consider how it might deepen our understanding of Scripture and fulfill our deeply human desire to see God at work. Presentations will be offered on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in Gerhart Hall and broadcast on Facebook Live.
February 24th
“Yonah & the Big Fish”
Join David Romanik as he meditates on the mysteries of God’s grace revealed in the story of Jonah.
March 3rd
“Temptation in the Desert”
Join Corrie Cabes as she considers the trials of Jesus in the wilderness.
March 10th
“Fruit in the Garden”
Join Karen Boyd as she explores Dewayne’s depiction of the Fall in Genesis.
March 17th
Join Amanda Watson as she ponders the dynamics of redemption in the story of Joseph and his brothers.
March 24th
Join Brian Dewayne as he shares his approach to the process of transforming Scripture into art.