by Corrie Cabes

Sometimes we need quiet so we may truly experience the holy. We need space to prepare our hearts to welcome Christ in the season of Advent. This December, the Daughters of the King invite all teen girls and women to participate in a Quiet Day on Saturday, December 11, 9 am- 12 pm on our campus at Heavenly Rest.
This is not a silent retreat, but an opportunity for women to gather for worship and prayerful meditation on scripture. We’ll focus on how we might respond to God’s word with art stations, Advent resources, and time to pray.
We’ll offer brunch and a chance to share our experiences of the day. We will close the retreat with the Holy Eucharist. Contact the church office at 325-677-2091 to RSVP and for more info. Please let us know if you need childcare. Invite a friend!
“A voice of one calling in the wilderness,
‘Prepare the way for the Lord,
make straight paths for him.”
–From the words of Isaiah the prophet, echoed in Luke 3:4