Members of the Church of the Heavenly Rest prayer shawl and quilt ministry provide a soft heavenly hug to those who are ill, grieving or otherwise in pain.
The clergy and other church members take quilts and shawls to parishioners, friends of parishioners, and to nursing homes in the area. We also provide a small quilt or blanket to newly born or adopted babies in our church family and beyond.
Heather Trulock and Sr. Brigit-Carol, SD revitalized a former prayer shawl ministry in 2017, adding quilts to the shawls, and renaming the group. Approximately a dozen people joined with them. The members of the group work on their projects individually and then meet as a group usually once a month to knit, crochet or square up quilts, share patterns, and fellowship together. We will begin meeting as a group on the third Tuesday in September.
No prior experience in knitting, crocheting or piecing quilts is needed. We will teach you and provide the yarn or fabric along with patterns. We even have a couple of sewing machines to loan out for those wanting to piece simple quilts. At this point we have a member who quilts them on her long-arm quilting machine.
For more information, please contact Sr. Brigit-Carol, SD at brigit.carol@gmail.com or 325-232-8128.