Intergenerational ministry opportunities for the whole family.
Wednesday Nights
A great meal at 6:00 p.m. where all ages from throughout the church family gather to enjoy food and fellowship. Programs or special activities begin at 6:30 and vary according to the season of the church year. We close with Compline (Evening Prayer) at 7:15.
Worship at Lyndale is a great opportunity for all ages to gather with Lyndale residents for a brief time of worship and fellowship at 2:00 p.m. on the 4th Sunday of each month.
Special Opportunities:
St. Francis at the Zoo
Trunk or Treat
Advent Activities
Twelfth Night
Mardi Gras Celebration
Vacation Bible School
Evening at Play Faire Park
Game Nights in Gerhart
And more!
Opportunities to Serve: Family Ministries Team has recently been created to
form a vision for the future of ministries for children,
youth, and their families.
Help plan/lead/support special opportunities
Contact: Carol Ann Weston, Director of Family Ministries cweston@heavenlyrest.org