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Holy Week at Heavenly Rest

Writer's picture: Heavenly RestHeavenly Rest

by David Romanik

In our tradition, describing something as “holy” means that it is set apart. The Temple in Jerusalem, for instance, housed the “holy of holies”, the place where God’s very presence was thought to dwell, a place that was so removed from the human condition that the only person who could enter was the high priest, and he only did that once a year. Holiness, in other words, was a way of describing a separation between God and human beings.

By contrast, the Church tends not to use the word “holy” to describe places or things. Rather, we are more likely to refer to experiences or periods of time that are holy: the Holy Eucharist, Holy Baptism, and, of course, Holy Week. There is a reason for this distinction. While these times are obviously set apart from our daily routine, they are not meant to be removed from the human condition. Indeed, they are meant to reframe the way we perceive and experience the rest of our lives. Holy Week, in particular, offers us a different way of marking time, one imbued with an understanding that in Jesus Christ, God has experienced all the beauty and pain of human life. Our opportunity and invitation during Holy Week is to embrace this understanding of time. During the coming days, you are encouraged to make this week holy for yourselves, slowing down and acknowledging the ways that God is at work in your life and the life of the world.

Holy Week at Heavenly Rest

The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday - March 28

8:00 Holy Eucharist – Nave

9:00 Morning Worship – Courtyard

10:30 Holy Eucharist with Liturgy of the Palms – Courtyard and Nave (livestreamed)

Please note that this service will begin in the Courtyard. Nursery care for children aged four and under will be available.

1:00 Worship in Swahili – Nave

5:00 Choral Passion – Livestreamed Only

Holy Monday - March 29

8:30 Morning Prayer – Chapel (livestreamed)

12:00 Holy Eucharist – Nave

Holy Tuesday - March 30

8:30 Morning Prayer – Chapel (livestreamed)

12:00 Holy Eucharist – Nave

Holy Wednesday - March 31

8:30 Morning Prayer – Chapel (livestreamed)

12:00 Holy Eucharist – Nave

12:30 Organ Concert – Nave (livestreamed)

Maundy Thursday - April 1

8:30 Morning Prayer – Chapel (livestreamed)

5:45 Agape Picnic with Footwashing – Courtyard

Supper will be provided. You may bring your own food if you wish. If you wish to reserve a meal, please contact the church office.

7:00 Holy Eucharist with Stripping of the Altar – Nave (livestreamed)

Good Friday - April 2

8:30 Liturgy of Good Friday with Communion from the Reserved Sacrament – Columbarium

12:00 Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday – Nave (livestreamed)

5:00 Stations of the Cross - Cedar Creek Waterway

Gather in the parking lot on South 11th Street, just East of Treadaway.

Holy Saturday - April 3

8:30 Holy Saturday Liturgy – Nave (livestreamed)

8:00 Great Vigil of Easter – Courtyard and Nave (livesteamed)

Please note that this service will begin in the Courtyard

Easter Day - April 4

8:00 Holy Eucharist – Nave

9:00 Morning Worship with Flowering of the Cross – Courtyard

10:00 Easter Egg Hunt

10:30 Festival Holy Eucharist with Flowering of the Cross – Nave (livestreamed)

1:00 Holy Eucharist in Swahili – Nave

3:00 Easter Egg Hunt

Unless otherwise noted, all services will take place in person. Please notice, some events require registration. Services will be livestreamed on Facebook Live (@heavenlyrestabilene) and



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