by Karen Boyd

The theme of our Diocesan Convention held last October was Creation Care, one of Bishop Curry’s three initiatives that make up The Way of Love. Mary Emeny introduced this topic in a beautiful and thoughtful reflection. A breakout session allowed us to talk about ways we could live into this challenge. Some attendees wished to continue this discussion. Since then we have met twice by Zoom. We call ourselves The Regenerates.
We have decided on a diocesan book study during Lent this year, and have selected Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World by Katherine Hayhoe. Dr. Hayhoe is a native of Canada but currently lives in Lubbock. At present, she is creating a study guide that should be available this spring. Heavenly Rest plans to team up with St. Mark’s for this book study. After reading this book, The Regenerates plan a Zoom to include the entire diocese on Wednesday, April 27th to discuss where we might go from here. Bishop Mayer has sent an email encouraging all church communities in the diocese to participate.
As Christians, we are called to participate in God’s continual recreation of this beautiful world. We are called to stewardship. Many scientists tell us the time is now to make changes in the way we care for our Island Home. Everyone is invited and encouraged to become a Regenerate and come along to read this important book. Saving us not only talks about climate change but also discusses how to talk to others about this issue.
Please contact Deacon Karen for more information at