by Corrie Cabes

During seminary, when I was juggling family life, a work study as a seminary admissions guide, endless class readings and assignments, I did something strange. I took on something more. I entered a period of new discernment to become a Daughter, through the Order of the Daughters of the King. A wonderful group of women at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Austin, Texas welcomed me and my family. They also nurtured and prayed especially for my daughter Olivia, who began attending Junior Daughter of the King meetings as well.
I found that my commitment to the weekly prayer meetings became a respite and a joy during one of the busiest seasons of my life. It felt so wonderful to build relationships and become wrapped up in a community of prayerful women who were passionate for Christ and excelled in caring for one another and reaching out to their community. It made me recall the faithfulness of Shiphrah and Puah, the connectedness of Elizabeth and Mary, and the loyalty of Ruth shared with Naomi.

After completing my DOK studies, it was so meaningful to receive a silver cross as I completed during a Eucharist led by The Rev. Cynthia Caruso, a spiritual mentor to me during seminary. I was surrounded by the Daughters of the King, these women who had helped me recenter my prayer life; who said, “come and see”…inviting me to consider something more that led me to draw closer to Jesus through prayer and community. These Daughters offered their ongoing prayers and support as I continued to discern my vocation and move closer towards the transitional diaconate and priesthood. I was reminded through this time of discernment that God is always calling us, and it’s up to us to listen, and to keep listening, to be in constant discernment, guided by the Spirit, and co-labor alongside other faithful Christians.
As I prepared with my family for my final move in November, I carefully packed up my DOK cross because I worried I might somehow lose it. One of the first boxes I unpacked held my cross with it’s beautiful engraving: “Magnanimiter Crucem Sustine,” meaning “with heart, mind, and Spirit, uphold and bear the cross.” At the bottom, the letters FHS stand for the motto of the order, “For his sake.” This Advent season, I invite you to think about the impossible God may be planning for your life. What holy interruption will be the best thing you never saw coming? How will Christ break through and how will we prepare our hearts for this inbreaking?
Call the office if you’d like to know more about the Daughters of the King chapter at Heavenly Rest.