Adult Formation
There are several opportunities to connect more deeply in your faith within our church community.

Exploring Spiritual Treasure
Gerhart Hall
9:00-10:15 a.m.
Exploring Spiritual Treasure takes off this fall on Sunday, September 8th with breakfast, speakers, and great table conversations. Join this intergenerational group of high school students, young and older adults for weekly topics of faith and deep spiritual connections. This is a class for anyone interested in deepening and exploring their faith within a welcoming spiritual community. Opportunities for confirmation and membership are a part of this class as well.

Preaching the Good Word: A Look at the Lectionary with Clergy
Parish House
Bishop Garrett Room
9:15-10:15 a.m.
Join us on Sunday mornings to look at the lectionary.
With Fr. David and other clergy, we’ll dive into the readings for Sunday and take a look at how the scriptures continue to speak to us.
This class will take a look at “preachable moments” and consider how we can we take the message of the Biblical texts into our week in a more intentional way.

Coffee Talks
The Coffee Talks Sunday school class meets each Sunday at 9:15 a.m. in the Gen von Ende room. Participants watch a carefully selected video followed by discussion. Video topics are diverse, but inevitably lead to rich conversations about authentic and intellectually honest Christian living. These conversations are typically facilitated by Mark Waters with a variety of other facilitators when Mark is away. Anyone aged 18 or older is invited. The intergenerational nature of the group adds to the variety, insight, and depth of the interactions. To date, participant ages have ranged broadly from 19 to early 80’s.
For more information or to be added to the email list, please contact Melody Brown at mbrown@heavenlyrestabilene.org